I found this nifty little script that can be used as a recruiting message.
Open a txt file and insert
/ch ooc
<a href="text://<font color='blue'>House of the New Dawn Guild Info:<br><br>Web site:</font><br>
www.hotnd.tk<br><br><font color='blue'>Guild Status:</font><br>Recruiting: YES <br>Server: Aquilonia<br>Guild City: Keep, Tradepost<br>Teamspeak or Ventrilo: No<br><br><font color='blue'>Guild Master:</font><br>Rashad<br><br><font color='blue'>Guild Officers:</font><br>Jherica<br>Junia<br>Kahlid<br><br><font color=’blue’>Guild Information:</font><br> An easy going rp guild with it's own religion and a rich history.<br><br><br><br>- Send a Tell or Visit the Website!">Guild - House of the New Dawn</a>
Save the file in your script directory of AoC.
Change the file's name by removing the txt extension (you can leave it, but then you'll have to type the name includingthe .txt to run it).
If you called it recruit.txt for instance, you can now do /recruit.txt in the chat input, and it will put a message with link in the ooc channel. Clicking the link will open a window with the information.
(ps I haven't tried it yet, I'll do that this evening, but I've seen other guilds use it while I was on Tortage)