Threads in this forum are entirely in character, role play that goes on here doesn't necessarily have to take place in the New Dawns city, Kathia located in the mountain ranges north of of the Stygian deserts but that is where we assume most of the role play will be going on or at least begin.
For understanding please use this syntax.
dark red - for something your character expresses with his body.
green - Descriptions of what an area looks like.
olive - Desciptions of what an object looks like
normal - Speech
blue - Thoughts, should be used extremely rarely as other characters do not know what yours is thinking, is however useful with mind control and other similar abilities.
We have an absolute zero tolerance to power emoting, this means that you cannot force anything upon another player, I stab you with my sword is not okay, while I attempt to stab you with my sword Is alright.
Anyone can start a role play thread in this forum and unless specified otherwise that person should be considered that games story teller. This means that he or she has sole control over NPC's that aren't controlled by players (such as pets) and also what areas and objects look like (unless they are previously owned by a character or it is the characters home.
Have fun roleplaying on our board aswell as ingame! And remember, your character here and there is the same, so what you do here should effect what happens in Age of Conan.